Wednesday, November 25, 2009

School of Athens

If I were in the painting, I would be Aristotle. He would read books to find out information and gain new knowledge in libraries and by observing astronomical and biological explorations of the natural world He was a caring person and he founded his own school of philosophy to teach his pupils his new discoveries and knowledge. He was a risk taker and stood up for his rights and defended his own vision of reality when someone else went against his theories or when Aristotle tried to prove someone else wrong. These traits of his are quite similar to mine in my everyday life. I am a caring and a risk taker by helping others, helping them understand and even sometimes teach new information to kids younger than me. I used to tutor little kids when I was 12 when I went to other family dinner parties, social group meetings and so on. I am a risk taker, taking risks to help me learn and gain new knowledge for myself and others to share it with. Sometimes when I risk doing something, I either find new discoveries and learn or find nothing but try again.

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